Friday, May 29, 2009

My Final Project!!

Just click on the above button to visit my website!
Thanks for your feedback!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Project Outline

Project title: Create an e-learning website that introduces the idea of learning a second language as a family. (Learn a Lingo- FHE)

Project description:
Develop a website to help parents organize FHE lesson plans that will introduce a second language to their family. Help parents use the resources the LDS church already provides in other languages and demonstrate how to use these materials in Family Home Evenings to teach a second language.

Project context:
The audience will be families who want to learn a second language or help preserve a native language. (Bi-nationality couples can use these FHE lessons plans to formally introduce this language and culture to spouse and children and help preserve their family heritage.)

Project rationale:
Our world is more and more a global community. Knowing a second language is very useful in relating to multicultural neighbors and also opens up more job opportunities. Parents try to prepare their children to be successful in their future. Parents themselves might be trying to learn a language for their own professional development. Learning a second language as a family, makes the second language more meaningful and might help with the success of how fluent they become.

Some families who have a child on a mission- might use these FHE lessons as a way to help younger children feel connected to their sibling. Making the acquisition of a second language more personal- knowing their missionary will be writing home with information about this culture and country in their weekly letters.

Other international families can use these FHE lesson plans to learn English. By establishing a foundation at home, this will help their children find better jobs in the future.

Still other families might want to learn a second language in preparation for a family vacation to a different country.

And lastly, learn a new language is fun! You will be surprised how many people you meet in your wards, neighborhoods and communities that are from other countries and know these languages. Learning a second language and culture will promote good feelings and stronger friendships as you take interest in the cultures and customs of other people.

Instructional objectives:

At the end of this online training, parents will be able to…
1) Plan a FHE Language Lesson once a month using our basic lesson plans and resources the LDS Church has in other languages. (Primary Songs, Hymns, Ensigns)

2) Practice this second language in their home regularly, by using printable vocabulary cards they place around the house to prompt language learning as a family.

3) Get them excited and feel empowered that they really CAN learn a language as a family even if they are not fluent.(By identifying native speakers among people they know! Neighbors, Return Missionaries, Ward Members, Co-workers.) By inviting these people to attend their once a month FHE Language lesson and share their experiences.

Video instruction: Highlighting the steps of starting a FHE group, using Church materials to enhance FHE lessons and watching a real Language FHE night.

Links to: website where they can find Primary songs in different Languages, find publications by the church in different languages such as Book of Mormons and Ensign Magazines.

Specifically on learning-- English to Spanish.
Printable: 6 Actual FHE Lessons that families print and use to learn their language.

I will have a check list they can use to organize their Language FHE Lesson and then encourage they come back and give feedback and share their experience.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Video Production Podcast Response

Click HERE to see/hear my thoughts through a VIDEO Podcast! Not very good "presentation" of the information... but thought into backdrop, lighting, finding a quiet location etc..

Audio Podcast

Click {HERE} to listen to my thoughts on the studies about Podcasts vs Live Lectures.

Monday, April 20, 2009

2 Articles

Skills 2.0 :Web 2.0 gives learning professionals an aptitude adjustment.
By Harold Jarche

The Main message was... there are fewer "experts" these day with information so easily accessible on the web. Now it's not WHAT you know that is valuable... but WHO you know. More specifically... your network. Blogging is one important way to stay current, relevant and marketable in any field. Staying informed and contributing to the "whole" ( a professional network) is essential to staying a life-long-learner.

Skills essential for the "learning Professional" are:
1. accept I will not know everything- but focus on knowing who to connect to .. network with
2. continue learning- don't rest on my past projects or accomplishments
3. Collaboration- continue to share, communicate with peers in my profession

WEB 2.0 Learning Platform: Harnessing Collective Intelligence

One of the Main things I felt stressed in both articles is the idea or point-of-view that regardless of teacher or student role... everyone is a learner& teacher in this new era.

At one point in the article they mentioned the goals from the 19th, 20th and 21st Century- that the 19th Century the goal was simple survival, moving to being able to acquire gainful employment to now.. life-long learning skills. I see how these are all similar goals though- having personally watched a parent be pressured into retirement because she couldn't keep up with computer technology. ( My mom was a school librarian- a big change from the old card catalog system of keeping track of books to movement to computer. Schools now wanted their librarians to be computer savvy and even technical support.) For my mom, not being able to adapt and continue to learn limited her surviving in her field and the loss of long-time employment.

The big case study in the article in a project from BYUH using technology and web 1.0 &2.0 mediums to create an elearning opportunity among international students. I find this interesting and complex as they challenge to meet standards in these classes, yet keep it dynamic and interactive as well.. (not just one-way communication: video recorded classes, power point presentations etc... but introducing chat rooms, blogs, and also interactive by having games and assessments. )

I personally like classroom learning, text books, hands on projects. I see the value in e-learning but I hope that in the future the classrooms wont be entirely replaced. That actual- physical connections and contacts aren't over-stepped because we can simply chat on line... there is something to actually being there...not just virtually that cannot be replaced. We are human.. and need human touch, human interactions. Because- don't get me wrong- I LOVE to blog- and chat with my blogging friends. I can spend hours at the computer doing this.. but when it is over- I feel an emptiness... while a simple.. "out to lunch" with friends or "chat at the mailbox" with neighbors is completely satisfying and uplifting...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

First Video Podcast

Oh boy! What a frustrating project! First- capturing the film..

Monday, January 12, 2009

About Me

This is me- Laura. (Friends who follow my other blogs know me as Swirl- it was a nickname only used when blogging.)

To be honest I have a real LOVE - HATE -HATE relationship with computers and technology in general.

They scare me a bit too-- seeing what our final projects are suppose to look like.. makes me doubt my my ability in being able to pull this off. It is going to be a hair-pulling few weeks- good thing I just watched Gloria's tutorial on extensions and weaves... I might have to contact her!

I am very excited to learn the information in this course... if Brother Chan is really able to teach my thick/numb brain how to do all we are suppose to do.... it is going to be the BEST CLASS EVER!

My dream job, when I grow up, is to have an on-line website that generates an income. Currently, I host book clubs for my sons and share my outlines on the Internet. I would like to share my outlines for free, but earn an income through advertisements. The more experience with computers the better my site will be. You can see my current site at .

Finishing my Elementary Ed degree will also make my outlines more academic. Right now I focus on just getting boys to read! Motivating reluctant readers. But I see if I really want my site to be successful, it needs to be a resource for the homeschooling community and they want "educational book club outlines". So I am eager to get my teaching certificate too.

This is my second computer class from Brother Chan. I have learned everything I know about pod casting from him (which sad to say- isn't much I still struggle to get them attached to my blogs.). I barely got by his one credit class -last term... and like I said.. I am a s-l-o-w learner when it comes to computers and have ZERO retention skills..

My family hopes this class will be manageable for me- because they like clean clothes and warm meals... things I tend to over-look when I am frazzled by how to upload homework or projects on my blog... ( Oh - my family you ask? Right now I am happily married and have 4 boys- ages 12, 9, 6, & 3 years old and two guinea pigs.) I'll keep you posted on this status as the term continues.